Intersession Investing Main Page
America's 2017 Billionaires (some have done what you are about to do)

Tips and Strategies for Beginning Investors and for Picking Stocks

Top 10 Trading Tips for Beginning Investors

10 Rules for Picking Stock Winners

How to pick winners in the stock market

25 rules for investing

Stock picking for beginners

GARP Investing

Do what Warren Buffet Does (GREAT ADVICE)
(This article you want to print out, highlight, and keep with you always - Excellent information.)

Reading Stock Data

Reading NewsPaper Stock Data

Interpreting Stock Data

Reading the Stock Market (Videos included)

Stock Market Tutorial Videos (Part 1)

Scroll to the bottom of this page once you click on the link


Stock Market Tutorial Videos (Part 2)


Websites to locate Industries/Companies

Hey, you may want to have a list of companies on a separate sheet of paper based upon the Industry. Several companies may not have financial data and you want to make sure you are not investigating the same companies more than once!

Lists of certain companies broken down by Industry ( website)

List of all companies broken down by Industry ( website)

Stocks based upon CAP size (

Marijuna Stocks

Everything below was used for past Intersessions, the links below could offer some good ideas for different companies to invest in.

This site contains sustainable industries as well as every other possible industry to invest in. Once you have decided on a "green/sustainable" industry to invest in,  you click on it, then navigate the site to figure out which companies you are going to research. Make sure you select 4 different companies, 2 from the"sustainable" industry link and 2 from the "non-sustainable " industries link.

Sustainable Industries
1) Biomass/ Biofuels 
2) Clean Tech Indexes 

3) Energy Storage 
4) Financial  (Banking)

5) Fuel Cells 
6) Geothermal 
7) Natural Foods & Home 
8) Natural Health & Supplements 
9) Recycling/ Green Chemicals/ Building-Related 
10) Solar 
11) Transportation 
12) Water 
13) Wind

Non-Sustainable Industries
1) Major -Integrated Oil and Gas

2) Energy Index
3) Diversified Utilities
4) Banking
5) Diversified Utilities
6) Diversified Utilities
7) Food - Major Diversified
8) Drug Stores
- Biotechnology 
9) Waste
- Specialty Chemicals
- Chemicals - Major Diversified
- Pollution and Treatment Controls
10) Diversified Utilities
11) Trucks and Other Vehicles
12) Water
13) Diversified Utilities

New York Stock Exchange List of Companies

The 4 Accounting Measures
- Price to Earnings (P/E)
- Price to Book Ratio (P/B)
- Current Ratio 
- Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E)

Annual Reports (More Explicit Financial Data)

Sites for locating the Annual Reports of corporations (for finding the more concrete financial data)

AWESOME WEBSITE. This site provides very detailed info on any American Company.

*****Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow (gives you the bare bones numbers you need) Scroll down bottom left and click on either balance sheet, income statement, or cash flow tab.

For TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange)

For NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) Companies

For NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations Systems) Companies

*****Company Report (A little easier to understand, but may not have everything you are looking for) MUST HAVE TICKER SYMBOL.

Mean and Median Information

Online documents

Mean and Median Document 1

Mean and Median Document 2

Mean Document 1

Median Document 1

Exploring Mean and Median

Exploring Mean and Median Interactively

My personally made videos 

Part 1 - Using Yahoo Finance to find Historical Prices (the start of looking for the mean)

Part 2 - Using the Historical Prices and the Graphing Calculator to calculate the average (mean) price.

Standard Deviation

How to use the TI-83/84 to find Standard Deviation (1)

How to use the TI-83/84 to find Standard Deviation (2)

My Video on Standard Deviation

Step by Step Good notes using TI-83 (3)

Solving Standard Deviation by hand (4)
(Good instructions, kind of goofy but explains well)

Linear Regression Information

Websites and Television Shows with updated stock information

(Below are links to each website)

Nasdaq Stock Market Site 

Market Watch

Bloomberg News




Wall Street Journal

Google Finance

Yahoo Finance

Television Shows
(Below are links to each show. The days and times of those shows you will find when you click on the links.)

Mad Money's Jim Cramer

Your Money

Squawk Box

Money Matters

Investment Apps on Roku

Investment Videos on YouTube

Bloomberg TV

Investment Apps on Fire Stick

Links for 7 green industries (We will not use the sites below this year - 2016)

Wind (Renewable Energy) Industry

Water Industry

Bio Mimicry Industry

Solar Industry

Air Quality Industry

Food Waste/ Non-hazardous/ Waste Recycling Links

Green Roof Industry